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Ressessment Brief (First-Sit and Re-Sit)

Dr Allan Osborne | KA7064 People in Project Management Page 1 of 7

1 Key Information
1.1 Module title

People in Project Management

1.2 Module code number

1.3 Module level and credit points
Level 7 and 20 points

1.4 Summative reassessment component(s) and weighting(s)
1. Coursework (Peer Review) …………………………………………………………………………………… 10% weighting
2. Coursework (Academic Paper) …………………………………………………………………………….. 90% weighting

1.5 Module leader
Dr Allan Osborne

1.6 Reassessment Period
Semester 3 2022-23

1.7 Cohort
Newcastle campus students

2 Reassessment Submission and Feedback
2.1 Reassessment overview

This module has two components of summative reassessment. These include:

1. Coursework in the form of a Peer Review exercise
2. Coursework in the form of an Academic Paper

2.2 Release date of reassessment brief
The module leader released this reassessment brief to you on:

 09:00 (UK time) on Friday, 23 June 2023

2.3 Medium used to disseminate reassessment brief
You will find this reassessment brief in Content > Reassessment > Reassessment Brief.

2.4 Dates and times of submissions
You are required to submit the reassessment components listed above in Section 2.1 by no later than the
following dates and times:

1. Peer Review …………………………………………………………………… 13:00 (UK time) on Thursday, 24 August 2023
2. Academic Paper ……………………………………………………………. 13:00 (UK time) on Thursday, 24 August 2023

2.5 Return date of your unconfirmed internally moderated marks and feedback

The module leader will post your Peer Review feedback and your unconfirmed internally moderated mark
and feedback for the Academic Paper by no later than the following dates and times:

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1. Peer Review ……………………………………………………………. 13:00 (UK time) on Thursday, 21 September 2023
2. Academic Paper …………………………………………………….. 13:00 (UK time) on Thursday, 21 September 2023

2.6 Mechanism for return of your unconfirmed marks and feedback

The module leader will use Turnitin feedback studio to return your feedback and unconfirmed internally
moderated marks. You can find the Turnitin digital submission points from which you will access your
feedback and unconfirmed internally moderated marks in Content > Reassessment.

3 Peer Review and Academic Paper

The headline quotation for the Academic Paper and Peer Review is:

“Leadership in a team setting is much less about command and control and more about getting the most
out of a diverse and experienced group of individuals” (Ernst and Young, 2013).

3.1 Peer Review

Peer Review only has one step during reassessment. You can read what this step is in the following sub-
section. There are only two possible Peer Review marks: 0% or 100%. To gain 100%, you must complete
all reassessment tasks and requirements stipulated in this Reassessment Brief for Peer Review. You
cannot apply for a Short Extension of Time for Assessment Component 001 (Peer Review) because the
module leader has notified the Student Engagement Team that it cannot grant you a Short Extension of
Time for Assessment Component 001 (Peer Review).

Peer Review Assignment

The module leader will give you access to two students’ draft Academic Papers for Peer Review once
SLAS has provided the module leader with its official list of reassessment students.

This assessment component requires you to provide constructive, supportive feedback using the
Reassessment Peer Review Questions provided by the module leader. Using the questions, you must
complete a peer review for Reassessment Draft Academic Paper 1 and Reassessment Draft
Academic Paper 2. The questions are mapped to the Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) presented in
Section 6 below. You must write and submit both peer reviews in a single Microsoft Word 365 document
called Reassessment Peer Review.

Peer Review Submission
The module leader will give you access to the Turnitin digital submission point for Peer Review once
SLAS has provided the module leader with its official list of reassessment students.

You will use a Turnitin digital submission point at Content > Reassessment > Peer Review
(Reassessment) to submit your single Microsoft Word 365 document called Reassessment Peer

You must be careful when submitting your digital file because your first submission attempt is deemed
final. Therefore, you cannot ask the module leader to give you a second opportunity should you
inadvertently submit an incorrect file. You can find the minimum and maximum word limits for Peer
Review below from Section 4.1. According to Northumbria University’s Late Submission of Work and
Extension Requests Policy, the module leader will penalise unauthorised late submissions.

3.2 Academic Paper

The Academic Paper aims to help you develop your academic skills in literature reviewing, critical
thinking, evaluative academic writing with integrity and accuracy in using in-text citations to underpin your
narrative theoretically.

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Academic Paper Assignment
When preparing to write your Academic Paper, the module leader expects you to consider the following
two theoretical stands associated with group dynamics:

1. There is a considerable body of knowledge in psychology and the social sciences called group

dynamics that examines how people work in small groups or teams; this research has been collected
over the past century and has developed into a broad base of knowledge about the operation of

2. The use of teams in the workplace has expanded rapidly during recent decades. Management
researchers and applied social scientists have studied this development to advise organisations on
how to make teams operate more efficiently and develop individual and group competencies.

Taking these strands into consideration, you should unite and contextualise critical theories associated with
team dynamics from psychology and the social sciences with critical theories related to groups, teams, and
management processes from management and organisation sciences to write an Academic Paper that
challenges the following statement:

Understanding the group dynamics within teams does not provide insight into the factors that influence
our behaviour and that of our team members. Neither does it facilitate effective team leadership to
promote team cohesion and success.

Academic Paper Submission

The module leader will give you access to the Turnitin digital submission point for the Academic Paper
once SLAS has provided the module leader with its official list of reassessment students.

You will submit a digital copy of your Academic Paper in Microsoft 365 Word format using the Microsoft
365 Word Template provided by the module leader to a Turnitin digital submission at Content >
Reassessment > Academic Paper (Reassessment). The template is available from Content >
Reassessment > Microsoft 365 Word Template. You must submit your Academic Paper anonymously.

You must be careful when submitting your digital file because your first submission attempt is deemed
final. Therefore, you cannot ask the module leader to give you a second opportunity should you
inadvertently upload the wrong file. You can find the maximum word limit for the Academic Paper below
from Section 4.2. According to Northumbria University’s Late Submission of Work and Extension
Requests Policy, the module leader will penalise unauthorised late submissions.

4 Word Limits
4.1 Peer Review

The Reassessment Peer Review Questions will direct you to answer a short series of questions based
on the MLOs, presented in Section 6 below. Each question has a minimum word count of 50.
However, there is no maximum word limit. The module leader will penalise you by awarding you 0% for
Peer Review if you do not satisfy the minimum word count for each question for each student’s draft
Academic Paper.

4.2 Academic Paper
You must declare the word count of your Academic Paper in the relevant section of the Microsoft 365
Word Template the module leader gave you. The maximum word limit for the Academic Paper is 3,000
words, excluding the Abstract, which has a separate 200-word limit. The Academic Paper word limit
includes the following elements:

 The main body of the text
 In-text citations, e.g., (Smith, 2011) or Smith (2011)
 Direct quotations from primary or secondary source materials

You can exclude the following elements when calculating the word count of your Academic Paper:

 Title
 Abstract (no more than 200 words)

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 Keywords (no more than three keywords)
 Figures
 Tables
 Reference list

You are not allowed to include the following elements when writing your Academic Paper:

 Table of contents or illustrations
 Appendices
 Bibliography
 Endnotes
 Footnotes
 Glossary of terms

5 Referencing Style

The module leader requires you to write your Academic Paper in an academically acceptable format with
integrity. Using the Harvard Cite Them Right method, you must present your bibliographic citations in the
body of your Academic Paper and reference list. Cite Them Right is freely available to Northumbria
University students at https://www.citethemrightonline.com/. You must enter your Northumbria University
online user credentials to access the online guide.

6 Module Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Academic Paper, you will be able to:

6.1 Knowledge and understanding:
1. Define and evaluate selected key theories and concepts associated with the main characteristics and

processes of teams, the issues facing teams, and the organisational context of teams.
2. Critically appraise selected key theories and techniques associated with the groups and teams in an

organisation, organisational structures, and management processes.

6.2 Intellectual/professional skills and abilities:
3. Empowered with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to create, participate in, and effectively lead real

and virtual project-orientated teams.
4. Critically review the literature on team dynamics, management, and organisational behaviour and

engage with what others have written through evaluative discourse.

6.3 Personal values attribute:
5. Exhibit the professional ethics characteristics of a University postgraduate student.

7 Assessment Criteria

The academic staff marking your Academic Paper will use the assessment criteria matrix (see Section 8
below) to grade your submitted work. The Module Assessment Criteria Matrix uses Northumbria
University’s postgraduate descriptor as its educational base.

When you receive your summative assessment feedback, academic staff will give you feedback using the
Triple Plus/Delta Retrospective, which includes ‘three things you did well’ and ‘three things you need to

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8 Module Assessment Criteria Matrix

9 Reassessment: First-Sit or Re-Sit

You must note the module leader cannot give unauthorised students not included in SLAS’s official list of
reassessment students access to reassessment resources. If the module leader has not notified you he will
provide you with access to the reassessment resources when you think you should have access, you should
arrange to speak with a member of the Ask4Help team.

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Suppose the Chair of the Examination Board (EB) grants you a reassessment attempt of the module,
either a First-Sit or Re-Sit. In that case, the module leader will give you access to the reassessment
resources, either Coursework or Examination (depending upon the Module Specification).

The reassessment period will typically occur after the end-of-level EB. However, the EB may grant you
an early reassessment before reaching your end-of-level stage. You can find details of when
Northumbria University’s Assessment/Reassessment Periods will be in Northumbria University’s
Academic Calendar, which you can access from its website or the Student Portal.

During the reassessment, the module leader recommends that you reflect on the feedback you received
following your First-Sit attempt to make appropriate revisions to your reassessment attempt.

When the reassessment is Coursework, the module leader will require you to revise your First-Sit attempt
submission; however, for an Examination, the module leader will require you to take another Examination
using the Bb Test tool.

The module leader will place any additional resources needed to complete your reassessment attempt in
Content > Reassessment on the Bb module once SLAS has provided the module leader with its
official list of reassessment students. You should read the Reassessment Brief in both cases to
ensure you complete all required reassessment tasks correctly. You can access the appropriate
submission points during reassessment from Content > Reassessment on the Bb module once SLAS
has provided the module leader with its official list of reassessment students.

After receiving official notification from SLAS of the reassessment students, the module leader will contact
you by Bb Message to notify you of your ability to access the reassessment resources and the
submission date(s) and time deadline(s) for the reassessment(s) for Coursework. However, if the
reassessment is an Examination, you will be notified by SLAS when and where the reassessment
Examination will take place. SLAS will publish this information in Northumbria University’s
Examination Timetable in the Student Portal.

You should note that a reassessment Examination will take place on campus. Suppose you are an international
student planning to return home briefly during the summer and would like to request that you take a
reassessment Examination overseas in your home country. In this case, refer to SLAS’s knowledge base article
(KBA) published on the Student Portal here.

Suppose you become eligible to complete a reassessment attempt but cannot do so. Subject to an
approved Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) application, the EB may, by exception, allow
you to re-take the module at the next scheduled delivery. If you pass the module following a Re-Sit
attempt, you will only be awarded the pass mark for level 7 modules, i.e., 50%.

10 Guidance for Students on Policies for Assessment

Northumbria University has many policies for assessment. The Student Portal contains guidance for
current students on these policies, including relevant procedures and forms.

Current students can access the Student Portal and search for information and guidance on a range of
topics, including:

1. Assessment regulations and policies
2. Summary information for students, including how Northumbria University sets assessments, how

Northumbria University marks with fairness and how to act on your module assignment feedback
3. Managing assessments in emergency scenarios
4. Assessment Feedback and Northumbria University’s Anonymous Marking Policy
5. Examinations and conduct in learning environments
6. Late submission of work and extension requests
7. Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PECs)
8. Student appeals and complaints
9. Academic misconduct
10. Disability and unforeseen medical circumstances
11. Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA)

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If you are a current student but do not have access to the Student Portal, you should view the
Assessment Regulations and Policies web page.

  • 1 Key Information
    • 1.1 Module title
    • 1.2 Module code number
    • 1.3 Module level and credit points
    • 1.4 Summative reassessment component(s) and weighting(s)
    • 1.5 Module leader
    • 1.6 Reassessment Period
    • 1.7 Cohort
  • 2 Reassessment Submission and Feedback
    • 2.1 Reassessment overview
    • 2.2 Release date of reassessment brief
    • 2.3 Medium used to disseminate reassessment brief
    • 2.4 Dates and times of submissions
    • 2.5 Return date of your unconfirmed internally moderated marks and feedback
    • 2.6 Mechanism for return of your unconfirmed marks and feedback
  • 3 Peer Review and Academic Paper
    • 3.1 Peer Review
      • 3.1.1 Peer Review Assignment
      • 3.1.2 Peer Review Submission
    • 3.2 Academic Paper
      • 3.2.1 Academic Paper Assignment
      • 3.2.2 Academic Paper Submission
  • 4 Word Limits
    • 4.1 Peer Review
    • 4.2 Academic Paper
  • 5 Referencing Style
  • 6 Module Learning Outcomes
    • 6.1 Knowledge and understanding:
    • 6.2 Intellectual/professional skills and abilities:
    • 6.3 Personal values attribute:
  • 7 Assessment Criteria
  • 8 Module Assessment Criteria Matrix
  • 9 Reassessment: First-Sit or Re-Sit
  • 10 Guidance for Students on Policies for Assessment
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